Much to the my amazement, I already received couple of mails. Some people have expressed certain wishes about some new categories they wanted to see. I want to provide the best service here, so I have worked my a.. for 2 days to compile your wishes.
The people who already have visited my site have written, how much they like the jokes I got, but wanted more. I try to work as much as I can, but I’m no machine. I have both a family, a fulltime job and much more, so as one man I can only do so much. It would help me a great deal if you know some funny jokes I can add to my list, so please submit.
Well and here are the 3 new categories of jokes:
• Roses are red violets are blue jokes
• Husband and wife Jokes
• Pregnancy jokes
I promise that I will add more jokes regularly, but have patience, as you all know it’s December and Christmas is soon upon us, I am as busy as the lot of you.
Have a nice day.
Regards. The Funny Jokes